Customer satisfaction
The know-how of many years of experience and the proven quality of APLEI brand products, have allowed Cablebox to become a stable and reliable manufacturer and supplier nationally and internationally. To this we add a way of understanding business based on a series of principles and values that are part of our DNA:





Custom manufacturing
It allows to adapt to the needs of the client either with our own products or attending to the requests of the clients through special manufactures.
Training sessions
The company offers a qualified training on electrical equipment for hazardous areas, where we are a national reference. Similarly, providing a personalised advice related to the products that we offer to our clients, with a clear vocation to service that oversteps our condition of manufacturer.
Special Production
The flexibility of Aplei in the production processes, always tailored to the specific needs of each client, gave to the company the development of a line of activity that brings a great dynamism to its business.

Ex Junction boxes
Junction Boxes made of aluminum, stainless steel and polyester with Ex certification. See products >

Lighting fixture
Lighting fixture and staffs for wall, platform or railing, floor and special custom manufacture. See products >

Cableglands and accesories
A complete range of cableglands, adapters, caps and other Ex accessories to meet the needs of any installation. See products >
ISO 9001 Certificate
CABLEBOX guarantees through its international certificate that we comply with quality standards, being an organization with an effective quality management system, identifying areas for improvement and taking measures to progress in them. Our goal is to give the best service to our customers.

Others certicates

Here you can download the documentation relating to all the products supplied
All the information you need in our Catalogs, Technical Sheets, Manuals and Certificates.
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